Main page > Application Programming Interface (API)

Application Programming Interface (API)

1. API supported by the National Diet Library Great East Japan Earthquake Archive (HINAGIKU)

HINAGIKU supports both search API and harvest API. Metadata from all data providers in the "List of Data Providers and Available Metadata" can be acquired by either API.

Please read the "About API use application" page before using API. If you wish to use API from a service other than HINAGIKU, please see the "List of API" page on the National Diet Library website.

1.1. Search API

You can search HINAGIKU metadata using the search API. The available search conditions will vary depending on the API protocol used.

The search API is compliant with SRU and OpenSearch.

You can make search windows by incorporating the search API.

1.2. Harvest API

You can download HINAGIKU metadata using the harvest API, which is made available by OAI-PMH.

Metadata downloaded from HINAGIKU can be imported to other systems.

※The harvest API uses some cache functions, which could affect response, depending on conditions and timing of the request.


The details of each API are as follows.

Type of API Protocol Input format Output format Access URL Note
Search API SRU URL XML(RDF) You can search in the same way as simple search and advanced search of HINAGIKU.
Search API OpenSearch URL XML(RSS)

For details of each protocol, please see each link page of "Protocol".

2. Data available via API

2.1. Available data

Only metadata is available.

2.2. Metadata formats

Metadata of HINAGIKU is compliant with "The National Diet Library Great East Japan Earthquake Archive Metadata Schema", which is based on The National Diet Library Dublin Core Metadata Description (DC-NDL).

Format of data returned by each protocol is also based on "The National Diet Library Great East Japan Earthquake Archive Metadata Schema".

2.3. Metadata updates

Metadata is not updated in real time. Rather, batch processing is carried out daily.

If you search or harvest metadata by API around midnight Japan Standard Time, the metadata you receive might not be the latest version.

2.4. List of Data Providers and Available Metadata

For either search API or harvest API, you can narrow the range of search objects by specifying a Repository ID for the following Data Providers.

For the outlines of each Repository, please see the page "The list of searchable databases and others".

Metadata Provided by the National Diet Library (As of July 12th, 2024)

Repository ID Data Provider Condition for secondary use of metadata(○ means "application is not needed")
For non-commercial use For commercial use
R200000002 National Diet Library postgres
R200000004 National Diet Library Periodical Index
R200000007 Current Awareness Portal (National Diet Library) Application is needed
R200100039 National Diet Library Digital Collections Application is needed
R200200001 Other Providers (Persons)
R200200006 National Diet Library Web Archiving Project
R200200015 NAIIC (National Diet of Japan, Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission)
R200200017 Japan Platform (JPF)
R200200018 Jupiter Telecommunications (J:COM)
R200200020 Tokyo Bookbinding Club
R200200022 Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings
R200200024 Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC)
R200200027 Other Providers (Organizations)
R200200028 Japan Foundation
R200200029 Higashi Nihon Gekisai Fukko Shinbun
R200200039 Shinchi Town Library (Fukushima Prefecture)
R200200040 ICT Project for Preserving Community Ties "Telling the Story of the Great East Japan Earthquake" (Higashimatsushima Library)
R200200041 National Diet Library
R200200047 Nuclear Regulation Authority
R200200048 Nippon Foundation
R200200050 Japanese Government Internet TV
R200200052 Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI)
R200200058 Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan
R200200059 Ministry of Defense
R200200064 Disaster Information Laboratory, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience
R200200069 Tohkai Shimpo
R200200070 Post-disaster Images Acquisition (Corporate Social responsibility) (PASCO CORPORATION)
R200200072 yu keikaku jimusyo
R200200073 Otsuchi Town Waterworks Office
R200200074 Takata Driving School
R200200076 Architect Partnership in Morioka
R200200077 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
R200200078 Nuclear Regulation Authority (Archived Information on the Fukushima Daiichi Accident)
R200200079 Kokusai Kogyo
R200200080 Prime minister's office of Japan
R200200082 Syasin Kikaku
R200200083 Nagaoka City Historical Archives
R200200084 Kyodo News
R200200087 Ajinomoto
R200200088 Miyagi Prefectural Library
R200200089 Iwate Prefectural Library
R200200096 Cabinet Office
R200200098 Reconstruction Agency
R200200099 Iwate Future Organization
R200200102 National Diet Library collection of flyers and other materials related to earthquake disasters
R200200104 Citizen's group to think about reconstruction of Ishinomaki City
R200200112 Project "What Can We Do Now?"

Metadata Provided by Organizations Other than the National Diet Library (As of July 12th, 2024)

Repository ID Data Provider Site Policy
R200200004Japan Atomic Energy Agency's Library Catalog
R200200031Remembering 3.11 (Tohoku Gakuin)
R200200033NWEC Women and Disaster Archive (National Women's Education Center of Japan)
R200200113Aomori Disaster Archive (Transferred)
R200200044The record of the earthquakes on the history of municipality (Saitama Prefectural Kumagaya Library)
R200200045The Simplest Explanation of The National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission Report
R200200046Japan Society of Civil Engineers Great East Japan Earthquake Archive
R200200049Center for Remembering 3.11 (sendai mediatheque)
R200200051Disaster Management Library Catalog
R200200053Nagaoka Post-Disaster Reconstruction Collection
R200200060Fukushima Nuclear Accident Archive (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
R200200061Great East Japan Earthquake Archive Miyagi
R200200062Koriyama Disaster Archive
R200200067Urayasu Disaster Archive (Transferred)
R200200068Disaster Information Laboratory, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience Catalog
R200200081Mie Disaster Mitigation Archive
R200200086Iwate Earthquake Tsunami Archive: Hope
R200200095Digital Archives of Kumamoto Disasters
R200200097Repository of Natural Disaster Documents of IWATE (Iwate University)
R200200100311 Iwate NPO Flyer Archive (IWATE Fukkou Collaboration Center)
R200200103Online database of materials on earthquake disaster (Tohoku University Library)
R200200107Red Cross Nuclear Disaster Resource Center Digital Archives (Transferred)
R200200108Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution
R2002001182014 Kamishiro Fault Earthquake Archive
R200200119The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum

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