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The list of searchable databases and others

As of July 1, 2024 (Alphabetical order)

We are recording the archives and others which provide metadata to HINAGIKU or are open to the public on the Internet.

  A-F  |  G  |  H-I  |  J  |  K-M  |  N  |  O-Q   |  R-Z   |  Figures
Name Overview Metadata collaboration
ABC TV The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake 1995 recorded interview video archives This archive is operated by ABC (Asahi Broadcasting Group Holdings Corporation), which preserves footage of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. The archive was opened to the public on January 2020 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, with the aim of sharing the lessons conveyed by the footage widely, passing them on to future generations, and utilizing them for disaster prevention and mitigation in the future.
AERO ASAHI CORPORATION Aerial photographs(Diagonal photographs) of the coastal areas of Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture from Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture has been recorded . All photographs were taken on March 12, 2011, the day after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
They are also published on "disaster area map information", which was in "The Great East Japan Earthquake Information special page" on the website of Aero Asahi Corporation. Copyright of aerial photographs belong to Aero Asahi Corporation.
Aomori Digital Archive System(Closed)** A digital archive operated by the Aomori Digital Archive Consortium stores and makes available official documents as well as images provided by local businesses and individuals and other materials related to the earthquake.(The site was closed on January 8, 2016. Contents of Aomori Digital Archive System were transferred to Aomori Disaster Archive at the end of July, 2016.) closed
Aomori Disaster Archive (Transferred)

Aomori Disaster Archive was constructed as a joint project by Hachinohe city, Misawa city, Oirase town and Hashikami town in Aomori prefecture, which were all affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The archive contained pictures, videos and accounts of experiences which were collected from the citizens, in addition to official documents.

Data from Aomori Disaster Archive was transferred to HINAGIKU on June 26, 2024, and the site closed on March 31, 2024.

Archives of agricultural, fishery and forestry cooperative organizations' activities for the restoration from the Great East Japan Earthquake (Norinchukin Research Institute Co., Ltd.) (Transferred)** This website discloses archives which Norinchukin Research Institute Co., Ltd. collected with information of agricultural, fishery and forestry cooperatives' efforts for the reconstruction and recovery from the earthquake and nuclear accident, in cooperation with these cooperatives and their federations: JA-ZENCHU, JF Zengyoren, National Federation of Forest Owners' Co-operative Associations and others. Norinchukin Research Institute Co., Ltd. engages in medium- and long-term studies on agriculture, forestry and fisheries, food issues and the environment, supplying timely information on economic and financial developments, and practical research on agricultural, forestry and fishery cooperatives. The site was closed on November 30, 2020. The data was taken over by HINAGIKU on March 4, 2021. Transferred
Archive of the Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution The archive of the Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution holds documentation and items created or used during the process of recovery and reconstruction of the afflicted communities in the aftermath of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of 1995. It also holds publications about disaster prevention and the damage caused by the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and other disasters. .
Center for Remembering 3.11 (sendai mediatheque) A Center operated by the sendai mediatheque is a place where residents, specialists, and staff members collaborate to record and disseminate the restoration and recovery process from their respective viewpoints. The data is recorded and preserved as "Records of the earthquake, civic collaboration archive".
CiNii Articles (National Institute of Informatics)* A research paper database operated by the National Institute of Informatics focusing on searches of academic paper information such as academic society publications, university research bulletins, and National Diet Library Japanese Periodicals Index.
Citizens group to think recovery support of Ishinomaki city** HINAGIKU archives the records of actions by Citizens group to think recovery support of Ishinomaki city in the last 8 years.
Current Awareness Portal (National Diet Library)* A National Diet Library website which provides the latest information on the library field and library and information science.
Database of Disaster Information Materials (Chuetsu Organization for Safe and Secure Society)** Nagaoka Earthquake Disaster Archive Center "KiokuMirai" is in the "The CHU-ETSU Earthquake Memorial Corridor" consisting of 4 buildings and 3 parks to commemorate the Mid Niigata prefecture Earthquake of October 23, 2004. It is a collection of books, magazines, newspapers, public relations magazines, brochures, etc. related to the Earthquake of 2004. This Database is available only in Nagaoka Earthquake Disaster Archive Center "KiokuMirai".
Database of Disaster Photos (Institute of Scientific Approaches for Fire and Disaster)** The Database of Disaster Photos is operated by the Institute of Scientific Approaches for Fire and Disaster and comprises photographs taken during disaster investigations or acquired while collecting archival materials. Photographs of earthquake disaster are searchable via HINAGIKU. The photographs in this database may be used without permission provided that the source is acknowledged.
Digital Archive Map of Disaster Monuments (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED))This database is built in collaboration with a number of institutions and provided by the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED), the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), and Kochi University.
It records the locations of and inscriptions found on monuments that memorialize earthquake and other disasters throughout Japan. Using this map, users are able to locate and to browse monuments on the Web-GIS as well as to view details of the monuments by clicking on the icons on the map.
The monuments cover the Great East Japan earthquake, the 1933 Showa Sanriku earthquake, the 1896 Meiji Sanriku tsunami, and many other natural disasters.
Monuments memorializing earthquakes and volcanos are listed by year and name of disaster, storms and floods are listed by the year and month in which they occurred.
Digital Archives of Kumamoto DisastersThis Archive is operated by Kumamoto prefecture. It was established for recording the experiences and lessons of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes and transmitting the actual condition of the damage and know-how learned during the Earthquake disaster restoration process to posterity. This Archive collects the photographs, videos, and materials including document related to the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes from Kumamoto prefecture, municipalities in the prefecture, corporations, volunteer organizations such as NPO and others. On January 4, 2022, the name of the archive was changed from "Digital Archives of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake" to "Digital Archives of Kumamoto Disasters", and includes materials related to the July 2020 heavy rains.
Only materials related to the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes can be searched in Hinagiku.
Disaster Archive Gifu** Disaster Archive Gifu is a website that digitizes and publishes photos and materials related to disasters that occurred mainly in Gifu Prefecture, making them freely accessible for anyone to use.
Disaster Information Laboratory, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience Catalog* ** A library catalogue held by the Disaster Information Laboratory, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience.
Disaster Management Library Catalog A library catalogue held by the National Association of Mutual Aid for Municipal Property Damages Disaster Management Library. The collection contains materials related to natural and man-induced disasters, such as earthquakes, storms, floods, fires, environmental problems, nuclear accidents, traffic accidents, mining pollution, or war, and it contains in addition to the disaster countermeasures such as regional planning for disaster prevention or other directly-related matters, a wide variety of materials on indirectly-related issues like volunteer activities or mental healthcare. Bibliographic data related to the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations in Catalog of the Reference Library for Disasters are searchable in HINAGIKU.
East Japan Earthquake Picture Project (Yahoo! JAPAN)** A non-profit project by Yahoo! Japan aimed at "preserving records of the pre-earthquake beauty of Japan", "conveying to later generations the details of the unprecedented earthquake disaster and preventing them from fading with time", and "being useful for future disaster prevention research, etc.".
* Photos were made searchable through use of the "East Japan Earthquake Picture Project photo search API". As of December 2018, this API is no longer provided. The metadata collected by the API continues to be retained by HINAGIKU.
FNN Remembering 3/11 A website which collects videos on earthquakes, fires, tsunami and occurrences at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake. The collection mainly consists of FNN (Fuji News Network) affiliate videos.
Fukushima Nuclear Accident Archive (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) This archive by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency enables search and browse of information from the websites of the Tokyo Electric Power Company, national and local governments, research institutes etc. and papers of conference presentations about the accident at the Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Cross search of related published information databases such as JOPSS, JAEA OPAC, INIS Repository, CiNii Articles, is also available. Information on the internet about the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station is searchable in HINAGIKU.
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) These vertical and oblique aerial photographs from the website of the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) were taken from May 2011 to April 2012 of areas affected by the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake.
The Great East Japan Earthquake Archives Fukushima(Closed)** A digital archive started mainly by Keio University stores and makes available earthquake related materials including administrative documents from local government public relations magazines and other sources, as well as materials held by businesses, hospitals, citizen's groups and other organizations.(The site was closed on September 27th, 2022.)closed
Great East Japan Earthquake Archive Miyagi The archive operated by Miyagi Prefectural Library collects, digitalizes, and makes available documentation in Miyagi Prefecture related to the Great East Japan Earthquake. It holds photographs, videos, and official municipal documentation. These materials can be used both to preserve the memory of the Great East Japan Earthquake and to promote its effective utilization in policy-making and education related to disaster prevention and mitigation.
Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Library for Reconstruction of Fukushima Prefecture (Fukushima Prefectural Library)** This library was established in the Fukushima Prefectural Library in April, 2012 for collecting, preserving and passing on to posterity materials related to the damage and reconstruction in Fukushima prefecture caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in March, 2011. The library contains books, magazines, newspapers, audiovisual materials, maps and others related to the earthquake and the nuclear accident.
Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Materials Collection (Iwate Prefectural Library)** A catalog of the materials that the Iwate Prefectural Library has been providing in the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Materials Collection includes books, magazines, public administration documents, handouts and various other materials related to the earthquake.
The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum The website allows users to search for books on the Great East Japan Earthquake and books on nuclear disasters as well as records of earthquakes and other disasters from various municipalities that are kept in the reference room of The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum.
House of Councillors Internet deliberation relay** Of the videos of the House floor proceedings which had been publicized in the House of Councillors Internet deliberation relay, HINAGIKU collects the plenary sessions and meetings related to the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Videos of the plenary sessions and committee meetings from the 177th Diet session (after March 11, 2011, when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred) to the 190th Diet session are available.
House of Representatives Internet TV** Of the videos of the House floor proceedings, available on the House of Representatives Internet TV, HINAGIKU collects the plenary sessions and meetings related to the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Videos of the plenary sessions and committee meetings from the 177th Diet session (after March 11, 2011, when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred) to the 190th Diet session are available.
The Ibaraki Prefecture Great East Japan Earthquake Digital Archive (Transferred) The Ibaraki Prefecture Great East Japan Earthquake Digital Archive was created by Ibaraki Prefecture to preserve information from private enterprises and individuals on the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Data from the Ibaraki Prefecture Great East Japan Earthquake Digital Archive was transferred to HINAGIKU on March 18, 2022, and the site closed on March 31, 2022.
ICT Project for Preserving Community Ties "Telling the Story of the Great East Japan Earthquake" (Higashimatsushima Library)** This project the Higashimatsushima Library has been collecting photos, videos, newsletters, anthologies, and other materials related to the Great East Japan Earthquake in Higashimatsushima city. HINAGIKU collects the videos of experiences at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Institutional Repositories DataBase (IRDB) (National Institute of Informatics)This site is operated by the National Institute of Informatics. It is a portal to institutional repositories in Japan for cross-searching academic information.
☆As of April 3, 2019, a newly redesigned IRDB website also incorporates the Japanese Institutional Repositories Online (JAIRO).
Iwaki 3.11 Memorial and Revitalisation Museum disaster Archival Search This archive enables searching materials about the Great East Japan Earthquake, mainly photographs of Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture.
Iwate Earthquake Tsunami Archive: Hope This Archive is operated by Iwate prefecture. It was established in collaboration with municipality and relevant organizations concerning disaster prevention for transmitting the state of the reconstruction and recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake including tsunami to posterity and applying the lessons of these experiences to future activities and disaster prevention education domestically and overseas. It shows clearly the process of each activity such as emergency disaster control measures by classifying materials concerning the disaster of the earthquake and tsunami under six topics and defining the time base of each topic.
Iwate Future Organization** Hinagiku now offers access to reports as well as photographs of the workshops and artwork created by the participants.
Japan Atomic Energy Agency's Library Catalog A search system for the collections of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency central library. Books, reports, meeting materials, magazines and dockets collected by the library are searchable.
Japan Disasters Digital Archive (RIJS, Harvard University) This Archive (JDA) is an online portal to digital materials, designed and maintained by the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University. The materials recorded the cascading series of natural and human-made disasters that began in Japan on March 11, 2011. On January 20, 2017, it changed its name from "Digital Archive of Japan's 2011 Disasters" to "Japan Disasters Digital Archive".
Japan Society of Civil Engineers Great East Japan Earthquake Archive** The website collects and publishes activities and achievements related to the Great East Japan Earthquake by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers and its members. It collects, classifies, registers, preserves and publishes the recommendations and reports of the investigation team, materials produced in the process of their activities, special feature articles of academic journals and research papers by each division, or photos and videos by its members, etc.
Japanese Government Internet TV The website shows the activities and key policies of the Japanese government. HINAGIKU collects the videos including the memorial ceremonies of the Great East Japan Earthquake from this website.
J-STAGE (Japan Science and Technology Agency)* A domestic Japanese scientific and technical information database operated by the Japan Science and Technology Agency. Collects drafts, outlines, reports and other materials focusing on electronic journals with full text available for some entries.
KAHOKU SHIMPO DISASTERS ARCHIVE A Great East Japan Earthquake Archive Project operated by Kahoku Shimpo Publishing Co. under the support of the International Research Institute of Disaster Science at Tohoku University. This Archive collects and preserves the titles of the newspaper articles related to the earthquake since 1991, in addition to photos taken by the writers or the photographers of Kahoku Shimpo and provided by citizens. The articles corresponding to the titles are opened to the public for free on 11th of every month. (Normally, it is necessary to contract with the charged database of Kahoku Shimpo.)
Keep telling the stories of the Chuetsu Earthquake for future generations** This archive preserves and publicizes digital content that describes in words and pictures the experiences of people in Nagaoka and neighboring municipalities who were affected by the Chuetsu earthquake. It also contains books and other materials on earthquakes.
Kobe University Library Digital Archive Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster Materials Collection A database operated by the Kobe University Library collecting materials related to the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
On September 1, 2022, the name of the archive was changed from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster Materials Collection to the Kobe University Library Digital Archive Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster Materials Collection.
Koriyama Disaster Archive** The archives was constructed as a joint project by Koriyama City, Tomioka Town, Futaba Town and Kawauchi Village in Fukushima Prefecture, which were all affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The archive contains personal pictures and experiences collected from citizens, in addition to pictures and official documents.
Kuji-Noda-Fudai Disaster Archive** The archive was constructed as a joint project by Kuji City, Noda Village and Fudai Village in Iwate Prefecture, which were all affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The archive contains personal pictures, videos and experiences collected from citizens, in addition to official documents.
Memories for the Future (Google) This project is running on Google. It makes available photos and movies of the beautiful scenery and nostalgic views lost in the earthquake posted on Internet photo and video sharing services operated by Google on the Memories for the Future website.
☆It is made searchable through use of the "Memories for the Future search API".
Memories of Hamadoori: Disaster Archive for the future (Iryo Sosei University)** This archive is operated by the Iryo Sosei University Disaster Archive. It collects and preserves written records, videos, testimonies, books and other materials related to the earthquake in the Hamadoori district as the main object area. "Memories of Hamadoori" makes a part of the testimonies and videos available. In April, 2019, "Iryo Sosei University" changed its name from "Iwaki Meisei University".
Michinoku-Shinrokuden (IRIDeS, Tohoku University)** A Great East Japan Earthquake archive project run by the International Research Institute of Disaster Science at Tohoku University in cooperation with industry, government and academic institutions, which collects a variety of mementos, records, case examples and knowledge related to the Great East Japan Earthquake to share them both inside and outside of Japan and preserve them for the future.
Mie Disaster Mitigation Archive** Digital archive on disaster prevention and mitigation operated by the Mie Prefecture Mie University Mie Disaster Mitigation Center. It collects testimonial videos and disaster information in tsunami monuments, local histories, and others related to the Tonankai Earthquake of 1944 for promoting in the society understanding of disaster prevention and mitigation.
Nagaoka Post-Disaster Reconstruction Collection This Collection comprises two separate sections: "Historical Records," a collection of historical documents which were damaged during the disaster, and "Post-Disaster Reconstruction Records," a collection of documents describing the disaster and subsequent reconstruction. In the Post-Disaster Reconstruction Records via HINAGIKU, you can search information about the 2004 Chuetsu earthquake or bibliographic information such as photographs taken in the shelters provided by Nagaoka City for refugees from Fukushima Prefecture after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Some material from the Collection can be browsed on HINAGIKU thanks to data provided by the Nagaoka City Historical Archives.
National Diet Library Digital Collections* A search and browsing system for a variety of digitized materials (except the website collected and preserved and packaged software of like CD/DVD) collected and amassed by the National Diet Library.
National Diet Library Periodical Index* A collection of articles on fixed themes from domestically published Japanese language magazines (also includes a portion of Japanese language magazines published overseas and domestically published magazines in European languages) collected and catalogued by the National Diet Library organized into a database.
National Diet Library Search* A search database targeting books, magazines, newspapers, electronic materials, old Japanese books and Chinese literature, doctoral dissertations, maps, musical records and video materials held by the National Diet Library.
National Diet Library Web Archiving Project* A website collecting websites transmitted from Japan. The websites of a past certain time are available. Web Archiving Project (WARP) collects websites of businesses and organizations permitted to publish in addition to public institutions.
NAIIC (National Diet of Japan, Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission)** This website collects videos provided via the website of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission (NAIIC), including joint committee meetings of Committee on Rules and Administration of both houses of the Diet, the NAIIC, press conferences and town meetings related to the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Nuclear Accident.
NHK Great East Japan Earthquake Archives This Archive is a website collecting audio and video content owned by NHK including mainly testimony of victims suffered from the Great East Japan Earthquake. To protect the privacy and the rights of the people appearing in this material, the audio and video content can be downloaded and browsed only on the website. All rights including the copyright of this content are held and controlled by NHK.
niconico** This video distribution and sharing website is managed by DWANGO Co., Ltd.. In HINAGIKU, interviews, events, programs, etc. related to the Great East Japan Earthquake which were officially broadcasted live on niconico are searchable.
Niconico also publishes the special page, "Collected features of the Great East Japan Earthquake 3.11". This page aggregates all the information about contributed videos and niconico official live, related to the Great East Japan Earthquake.
☆ To watch niconico official live, you have to register as a niconico member (free) or niconico premium member (surcharge) on the web site.
Nippon Foundation HINAGIKU collects photos and videos related to the Great East Japan Earthquake submitted to the contest held by the Nippon Foundation since 2012 and with permission to publish. Those submitted in 2012 and 2013 were taken on March 11 in each year. Photos submitted in 2014 were taken in March 2014.
Nuclear Regulation AuthorityHINAGIKU collects the videos☆ provided by the Nuclear Regulation Authority and opened to the public on the website of the Nuclear Regulation Authority. The videos are mainly the press conferences and the committee meetings held since the Nuclear Regulation Authority was established.
☆ HINAGIKU collects a part of the videos that have been posted on the video channel (YouTube and niconico).
Nuclear Regulation Authority (Archived Information on the Fukushima Daiichi Accident)**The Nuclear Regulation Authority archives materials published at press conferences, homepages, and others related to the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Among the materials already made public and owned by the former Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency and other institutions, materials which were published approximately one year after the Great East Japan Earthquake are included. It consists of radiation monitoring results, damage situation reports, notices from the Tokyo Electric Power Company, etc.
All the files of materials provided by the Nuclear Regulation Authority can be browsed on HINAGIKU.
☆Some numbers of the files are missing because the files are only partially provided. (Reference) Initial letters of the file names
F・・・Materials already made public which were kept at the Local Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters,
FF ・・・Materials already made public provided by Fukushima Prefecture,
FK ・・・Materials already made public which the former Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency received from the Tokyo Electric Power Company ,
R ・・・Materials already made public which were kept at the former Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.
NWEC Women and Disaster Archive (National Women's Education Center of Japan) An archive established by the National Women's Education Center of Japan by cooperating with organizations and institutions involved in women's education in Japan. It collects materials on the activities for assisting post-disaster reconstruction from the perspective of women, and preserves the records of their practices for rebirthing local communities through reconstruction assistance by organizations and institutions involved in women's education in Japan.
Online Database of Materials on Earthquake Disaster (Tohoku University Library) This website is the online version of a database operated by the Tohoku University Library and includes materials such as flyers, pamphlets, community papers, or public-relations publications but no books or commercial magazines, which are now searchable via HINAGIKU. Some of these materials are not available online but some are available as PDF files.
Post-disaster Images Acquisition (Corporate Social responsibility) (PASCO CORPORATION) To grasp the disaster situation and provide the information, PASCO collects materials which are published on the page of "March 2011 Information on The Great East Japan Earthquake 2011" including photographs and others taken by aircraft or satellite on the " List of Post-disaster Images Acquisition (Corporate Social resposibility)".
Project "What Can We Do Now?" This project was launched to convey the "now" of the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake to the whole country through the power of regular citizens. The project planned a TV broadcast by regular citizens, and broadcasted a program produced by regular citizens on BS National TV for one year. After the broadcasting activities ended, the project shifted to the web to disseminate information.
HINAGIKU collects the videos provided by the project.
Radiation Medical Science Center for the Fukushima Health Management Survey digital archive Archives of the materials in which Fukushima Medical University Radiation Medical Science Center recorded their activities at Fukushima Medical University and Fukushima Medical University Radiation Medical Science Center after the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident.
The record of the earthquakes on the history of municipality (Saitama Prefectural Kumagaya Library)** Subject bibliography of the earthquakes described in books of the history of municipalities possessed by Saitama Prefectural Kumagaya Library. It indicates the pages in these books on the Great Earthquake of the Ansei era that struck in 1855, the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, the western Saitama Earthquake of 1931, etc. The books were transferred from Saitama Prefectural Urawa Library (closed on the end of March, 2015) to Saitama Prefectural Kumagaya Library.
Red Cross Nuclear Disaster Resource Center Digital Archives (Transferred) A digital archive stores and makes available materials related to the activities of the Red Cross which responded to nuclear disasters, mainly including the activities of the Japanese Red Cross Society toward the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. The data was taken over by HINAGIKU on March 19, 2021. The site was closed on March 31, 2021.Transferred
Remembering 3.11 (Tohoku Gakuin)** This archive operated by the educational institutions Tohoku Gakuin for the purpose of contributing to future utilization of the materials related to the damage situation and the restoration after the Great East Japan Earthquake by collecting and preserving them.
It collects handwritten memos created and distributed in Tohoku Gakuin just after the earthquake, records of restoration, activity records related to earthquake disaster and others.
Repository of Natural Disaster Documents of IWATE (Iwate University)** This archive is managed by the Iwate University Library and contains materials from the Iwate University Library and Research Center for Regional Disaster Management on natural disasters in Iwate Prefecture and the Great East Japan Earthquake "2011.3.11".
Research Center for Cooperative Civil Societies (Rikkyo University)** An index of articles related to the Great East Japan Earthquake posted in citizen's group newsletters and other sources and collected by the Research Center for Cooperative Civil Societies (Rikkyo University).
Rikuzentakata Earthquake Archive (Closed) A collection of valuable records focusing not only on the lost cityscape of Rikuzentakata City, but also the passing on of tradition, culture and wisdom. In addition, a portion of the archive is also carried in the town of Otsuchi. (The site was closed on November 30, 2014. HINAGIKU has taken over the part of the contents which was published on the Internet in the Rikuzentakata Earthquake Archive via the Internet. For more information, please refer to " Materials from Rikuzentakata Earthquake ")closed
Shinsai bunko (Sendai Shimin Library Collection of materials related to the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011)** This is a catalog that the Sendai City Library has been collecting since May 2011 as the Shinsai bunko (the Sendai Shimin Library Collection of materials related to the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011), for the purpose of passing on the memories and records of the Great East Japan Earthquake to the future generations and of supporting for recovery from the disaster and rebuilding of people's lives.
The catalog collects books, newspapers, public administration documents, and various other materials related to the disaster from March 11, 2011 to the present.
The Simplest Explanation of The National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission Report This Project provides story books and illustrated videos explaining in simple words and animation what happened in the Fukushima nuclear accident. Besides the professionals who engaged in the Diet Report on Naiic, members of society and university students are taking part in the project.
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings HINAGIKU collects videos from the Photo & Video Library on the website of the Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., which includes videos of teleconferences, inspections, and other activities regarding the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
The National Diet Library Web Archiving Project (WARP) collects material from this website with the permission of the Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
Tohoku Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Earthquake Memorial Museum The Museum is a website that provides photos and videos from the Tohoku Regional Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and municipalities for secondary use as a record of the experiences and lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Tsumugi: The Otsuchi Disaster Archive Tsumugi was created by the town of Otsuchi, Iwate, to preserve information from the government, private enterprise, and individuals on the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Urayasu Disaster Archive (Transferred) This archive was constructed by Urayasu City in Chiba Prefecture, which was affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The archive contains academic materials and research records made by private research institutes or universities and experiences collected from citizens, as well as pictures, videos and official documents of Urayasu City.
Data from Urayasu Disaster Archive was transferred to HINAGIKU on July 1, 2024, and the site closed on March 31, 2024.
2014 Kamishiro Fault Earthquake Archive (Shinshu University Hirouchi Lab) A database of digital records and memories that is made publicly available via the Internet as part of a joint project by the municipalities of Otari and Hakuba together with Shinshu University to preserve and utilize data on the 2014 Kamishiro Fault earthquake.
311 Iwate NPO Flyer Archive (IWATE Fukkou Collaboration Center)** The IWATE Fukkou Collaboration Center established this archive for collecting flyers and materials of organizations that carried out disaster support activities in Iwate Prefecture after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
311 Documentary Film Archive The Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival (YIDFF) launches the 311 Documentary Film Archive, a project for collecting and preserving documentary films and production materials of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

* Only items from this index related to the earthquake can be searched in the National Diet Library Great East Japan Earthquake Archive.

** Japanese version only

The details of the value of "Metadata collaboration" are as follows.

  • "○": Archives and others which provide metadata and collaborate with HINAGIKU.
  • "closed": Archives and others which ended their collaboration with HINAGIKU.
  • "Transferred": Archives whose data was taken over by HINAGIKU upon closure of the archive.
  • "―": Content collected on HINAGIKU.

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